Online is the solution! How long are we going to take to realize that?
In this pandemic, we all have learnt a lot. The importance of each and everything, human beings, staying home, going out, learning, time, the lack of physical presence and education obviously. These are not enough, this is a long list, penning down all is not that tough but not easy as well because we all have individual beliefs and so the list will be way too much long.
We do not know about how long this pandemic is going to take on this earth. As it has already destroyed so many lives, and those who are left behind are very much affected.
All of us have seen worst days in this pandemic. But the thing is ultimately, life does not stop, no matter what! And we now have to learn how to move forward with precautions and pandemic together in our lives. With other things education of our children is affected too, the education sector has hit a massive pause but on the other hand the education sector has got a boon named DIGITAL EDUCATION.
Why to stop when we have solution here?

Initially when the pandemic has just hit, all of us decided to put a pause on everything including education. But with the passage of time we got solutions to our problem of pause at education. We got access to the play button for our education. We learnt how to take education together amidst this pandemic.
And so as a solution decided to take it up, and apply for the betterment of everyone, the students, the institute, the school, the coaching. But many around us are still waiting for this pandemic to get over.
This is time we all have to trust that it is the fact that we now have to learn living with this change. As this is the future.
Decided to move ahead with the change? Edukit is here to help!
If you have taken the decision of moving forward with the situation but do not know HOW?. We are here to help you always. We know the decision is big, because the change is big, and so it asks for major things to be changed which calls for everything to be big in return. But don’t worry, all your software issues are sorted by us.
We @Edukit have decided to help those who want to grow with the change. All you have to do is reach us tell your needs to us and rest is our responsibility. All your management will be digital as well after reaching us. Your school/institute/coaching will have a proper WEBSITE and APPLICATION. Reaching you will be very easy through web after that for your desired audience.
Let’s talk about the importance of having a WEBSITE. Even though we know that there’s no need to explain the need of having a website or having a name on web. But, still let’s just go for the elaboration,

- Marking your presence online is valuable these days because the world is here. So with zero doubt being online is the need of today and tomorrow. The thing which is supposed to be concerned after reaching online is how to stay at top or how to be different than others in order to get noticed by our target customers.
- Target customers; big thing you know. Offline does not serve you with the same. When working offline you know your target customers, you will try to reach them only but that will not give you desired results. In here, you will be able to reach your target customers specifically.
- Your school’s introduction. When you have a big target audience you do not know how much of them know you or how much of them do not have even heard about you. Online is a place where you can elaborate on your website through various ways that who you are and how you are different from others.
- Can maximize reach. Online does not sets reaching limits like offline sets. You can or your customer can reach you easily. Even when both are sitting far away. This is the best thing, education and knowledge should never have boundaries.
- Today’s need ; of course it is today’s need. The world is here. Everybody has understood the importance of being online and many of us have even reached and made their online portals.
These were just some points that show the importance of having a website. Other than these written points there are so many other points as well. All to be discussed in here is not easy. We will be providing you that platform to reach online easily, all you have to do is to reach us here, @Edukit
Online is a boon to all of us, it is just that we are taking time to realize that. Many of us have already understood that but sooner or later all of us will realize this thing. And after some time people will start loving things online just like kids today are loving their games online soon they will love their studies too being online.