Why you should take switching or reaching to online platform seriously?
ONLINE, this is not just a word to say or use frequently anywhere, anytime. But, this single word “online” consists of a whole new and different world within it. After entering it might give you innumerable surprises and shocks as well. This is your choice which path are you preferring the surprise one, or the shock one.
Just in the way everything tends to have its own good and bad both reflections, similarly things online are both positive and negative. It is completely your choice which path are you heading towards? It is mentioned above that online can give you surprises, that’s true!
Let’s understand this thing with a simple example. Till the time you are running your school offline. You are having a limited customer base, may be a slighter change in the customer count but that too gets equal at the end of the year. But, for a change let’s assume you brought your school online. You got a platform to showcase your school’s achievements and capabilities let’s say from us @Edukit. You got a proper website for your school, you got a proper mobile application of your school.

What will change after reaching online?
You should believe, a lot will change. This is because you will see the positive change happening to your school in sometime soon. The word surprise is used above, further explaining the same; till the time your business was running offline you were bounded to some sort of limits. Like, even when you wanted to expand you could not due to some of the hypothetical boundaries. If you want to cross these boundaries definitely they will cost you a lot. On the other hand where you have reached online having your school’s own website, you can have,

- A great reach to maximum; your audience will be expanded.
- You can mark your presence on a very big platform.
- You can address your website easily by just sharing a link of your school’s website.
- You can put up your school’s achievements over there. You need not ask everybody to visit your school in order to give a brief about what you, your school and your staff has done till date as your achievements.
- When you want to share something more effective. You can easily share a recorded video if you want to share a brief about your school.
- Everybody will now be aware of your school. As you can do marketing online by having a greater target audience than earlier.
- Marketing will be way too much easier and effective online because you can easily refine your target market in here.
- Your area will not be your limit anymore. People can reach you from great distances.
These were just the introductory points. Online is a sea where in, you only need a good sailor to take your boat forward. @Edukit is always there. We are here to help you always, you only will have to reach us, place your needs in front of us and we will be changing situations into solutions for you.
Earlier written points were roaming around website and website! Now let’s have a short discussion about having your school’s own mobile application presented by us.

- You can easily conduct classes with your students.
- You can give your students the permission and have the recorded classes afterwards.
- Your application will be notifying your students time to time about the classes.
- No any fee issue will continue after having an application, because guardians can easily pay through the payment gateway.
- Attendance can easily be sorted by the biometric feature present in the application.
- You can keep performance record of each and every student on your school’s application.
- Taking test is not going to be an issue after having this application. Because you can set timer for how long you want the test paper to be displayed.
- Your school’s application will be sharing daily capsules to your students like NEWS.
There’s lot more to know about this application presented by us to you for your help. Above mentioned are just the numerous points that you can count easily. But our application can do even more. All you have to do is reach us.
As a result you should have your online presence for sure. Because you never know which potential student of yours is waiting for you online. Just a single step and you can reach innumerable students in no big time. You should take this step because the time demands that. If not today then definitely tomorrow, online is the ultimate destination. Pandemic has played its role in making us understand the importance of why things, businesses, products, education and almost every possible thing is reaching online.